冠致有限公司 Gold Best Limited:尚朋堂家電系列:14吋環保節能直流電機風扇 : DCF-1410 | 香港尚朋堂 SPT | 香港總代理杰科 GIEC

冠致首頁 > 尚朋堂家電系列 > 14吋環保節能直流電機風扇 : DCF-1410



Slim design with integrated motor, stylish and simplicity

首創 DC 直流靜音無刷馬達,環保節能減碳,恬靜柔和舒適
創新 14 吋 10 片式薄身扇葉,風量大,寧靜如置身大自然
無段式 85-110 厘米 (最低至最高) 調節支柱,吹送範圍極廣
Environmental DC motor, energy saving and carbon reduction, quiet & comfortable
Innovative 14" 10 slim blades, quiet soft wind volume
85-110cm (lowest to highest) adjustable pillar, wide range wind blowing



Brand new style with integrated control area, easy control without stooping

4-30W 額定功耗,媲美慳電膽更加省電、耐用、環保
12V 低電壓輸出,對人畜安全無害,榮譽之作,信心首選
As low as 4-30W rated power, more energy-efficient, durable, environmental friendly
Secure 12V output voltage, human and animal harmless, first choice of confidence
Compelling blue light, show the wind speed and timer function clearly


全功能智慧遙控器,可隨意開 / 關,調較風速、定時、擺頭

Full-featured remote control, can adjust wind speed, timer, and oscillation function

特闊 60° 左右擺頭 / 俯仰廣角送風,送風面大,覆蓋到每一個角落
獨家旋鈕式風量控制,7 段風速,適合不同環境使用,如睡眠、冷氣對流、集體聚會等
3 段定時 ( 2 / 4 / 8 小時 ) 設定,適合多種場合使用
60° wide-angle wind, up and down angle adjustment, left and right swinging
Exclusive control knob, 7 levels of wind speed, suitable for different using, e.g. sleeping, convection, gathering
3 timing sections function ( 2 / 4 / 8 hrs), suitable for a variety of occasions


14吋環保節能直流電機風扇·14 Inch Eco-Tech DC Fan
型號 Model DCF-1410
額定功率 Power Consumption 4-30W
整機尺寸 Package Dimension 110 x 43 x 36 cm
淨重 Net Weight 5.1 Kg






Product specifications & pictures may vary from actual and subject to change without prior notice.


冠致首頁 > 尚朋堂家電系列 > 14吋環保節能直流電機風扇 : DCF-1410